Isaac Anderson

CSL, Sr. Vice President

Growing up in northern Maine, early-on Isaac developed an affinity for nature and the environment. Life on the farm fostered his mechanical aptitude which has been put to good use in designing and
implementing environmental remediation and mitigation systems for the past 15 years. These days, Isaac is nationally recognized as an authority in the design and construction of vapor intrusion mitigation systems, including sub-slab depressurization systems (SSDS) and vapor barriers
. His breadth of experience in cleanup technologies includes in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), bioremediation/augmentation, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and various “pump-and-treat” mechanical systems (tray strippers, oil water separators, etc.). Isaac has specialized expertise in process control and remote monitoring (telemetry) systems that oversee automated treatment system operations from afar to ensure their continued effectiveness. Isaac leads the vapor intrusion practice at Cooperstown, and as Vice President is involved in business development, regulatory outreach, client relations, project oversight, and general company management.

Isaac is heavily involved in advocacy, professional development, and education. Over the years he’s been a member of several of the Licensed Site Professional (LSP) Association’s committees, (Emerging Professionals, Regulations, Legislative, and Steering), and formerly co-chaired the Technical Practices Committee. Isaac also regularly attends the Massachusetts Department
of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP’s) Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Advisory Committee meetings to stay abreast of current events. Over the past ten years, Isaac has authored several technical publications and lectured at numerous seminars on local, regional, and national platforms on subject matter ranging from advancements in remote monitoring technologies, to building science and vapor intrusion investigations/mitigation, to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. He has also worked with several state regulatory agencies on development of regulations surrounding telemetry and SSDSs and has been recognized with multiple awards as a result, most recently, the LSPA’s Contribution to the Practice Award. Isaac is currently a stakeholder in the newly formed American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) committee tasked with creating a national standard for the development of Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plans for long-term stewardship of radon and volatile organic compound (VOC) mitigation systems.

Isaac’s previous work experience includes managing large-scale environmental remediation and construction projects, conducting energy audits and building science evaluations, and 20 years of business development and operations management experience in the small businesses at which he has worked. Isaac holds an Unrestricted Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License (CSL) and is
a licensed/registered contractor in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Isaac is also a licensed Radon Mitigation Specialist in New Jersey and holds a Grade II Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator License in Massachusetts and a U.S. patent for treatment of contaminated groundwater.

Isaac earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Maine. Outside interests include a wide variety of activities related to the outdoors and the ongoing construction of a log cabin in Maine
using materials that he harvested from his property which has been in his family for generations.